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What is Waukee APEX?

Through a collaboration of education, business, and the community, Waukee APEX develops highly skilled, adaptable, global innovators and leaders. Waukee APEX draws on the expertise of business partners to bring the real-world application into the high school experience.

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Economic Sectors

Industries that are kickstarting our lifelong passion

Business Partners


Be as hands-on as your workload allows. Our staff and students are flexible to work according to your schedule and goals.

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Benefits for Your Business

Have a task that you haven't been able to get around to? A seasonal project? Save time by letting our students do the work!

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Get More Info

Interested in partnering with APEX or want more information to see if it's the right fit for your business? Feel free to contact us.

Contact Us

A day in the life...

Queenie Wong

Economic Sector: Engineering
Partner Business: Engineering

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Reagan Hall

Economic Sector: Human Services
Partner Business: Human Services

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Noam Hazan

Economic Sector: Financial & Insurance
Partner Business: Finance, Banking, and Investments

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Take a look at
an APEX semester

APEX classes are anything but ordinary. Students gain valuable real-world experiences while giving back to their community through project work and collaboration with local businesses.

Join us in a walkthrough of a typical semester Apex Semester